- March 30, 2017Getting your student loans discharged in a bankruptcy is extremely difficult to do. Even tougher to do when you are…
- March 22, 2017If you have money in an account at an institution to which you owe money, for instance money owed to…
- March 8, 2017Don’t miss the potential tax deductions hiding in your Chapter 13 plan payments.
- February 19, 2017I looked online for a bankruptcy attorney that was well reviewed
- February 17, 2017What does it mean when a judgment is entered against you?
- February 12, 2017I was in my office, surfing the web, BAREFOOT (truth), when I came across this article:
- December 31, 2016This is why it is SO important to respect a court ordered no-contact.
- December 2, 2016What makes this interesting – and why the challenge was brought – is the fact that the majority of the…
- November 23, 2016If you are unmarried, and file bankruptcy jointly – with another individual – the law then views you as married…
- July 13, 2016The short answers are yes, yes, and hell no! These, however, are not the best answers (except for the hell…